About Us
For us, a cafecito* sparks sentiments of nostalgia, happiness, attitudes, connection to culture, love and family. We are committed to providing quality by sourcing a fine global selection of specialty coffee, roast in small batches and develop roasts for each unique coffee. Our goal is to provide lovely coffee and inspire you.
*cafecito: a Spanish term of endearment for coffee

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Abanico (ah-bah-nee-co) is the Spanish word referring to a hand held fan. We admire a well- crafted abanico with its brilliant colors, delicate materials, and artistic designs. Other than facilitating air circulation, it is said that in more traditional times, abanicos were used to communicate with their seductive waves and choreographed movements known as the “lenguaje del abanico” or the language of the fan.
For us the abanico is a blend of simple, yet expressive, traditional, yet original, and a craft that similarly represent qualities of our company and coffee offerings.
Ana Valle, Founder
Ana, cannot remember a time when coffee was not a part of her life. From her abuelita’s perfect cafecito, to the countless cups of coffee and pan dulce consumed at family gatherings, to her native ties to the coffee cultivating country of El Salvador – coffee is, and was always there. Her likely interest for coffee stems from its rooted presence and rich cultural and family traditions, inspiring her to start Abanico Coffee Roasters to share her passion for coffee.
Her curiosity for an all around scope of the coffee industry has taken her to coffee farms to learn about coffee varieties, farming and processing. She participates in cupping and roasting classes to advance her skills, and worked as a barista to gain experience on the retail side of the coffee business. She is a Q grader, accredited by the Coffee Quality Institute that sets quality standards of specialty coffee. Ana’s ambition is to continue to learn and enhance her craft, while sharing her love for coffee and enjoying a cafecito!